हमारे विषय में The khabarjunction.com (खबरों विचारों एवं विश्लेषण का ई जंक्शन) is a national hindi news portal. Our head office is situated at Jabalpur city of Madhya Pradesh. The khabarjunction.com was launched on 5th September 2012. We believe in free, fair and independent journalism. The whole project is being headed by many young and experienced professionals and journalist to cultivate the quality minds with nourishment of thoughts, information and entertainment. We cover a wide spectrum of subjects like news and views, career and jobs, cuisine, fitness, personality enhancement, beauty, entertainment media and glamour world. Each and every aspect is analyzed and then finally presented to our readers. Our motive is to give our readers an edge over others. The khabarjunction.com has a team of journalist from the media industry that is editorially headed by Mr. Ashish Shukla. Certified by the Government of India (Reg. No. – UAM MP24D0003042) under the title Khabar Junction. National Industrial Classification Operation of other websites that act as portals to the Internet, such as media sites providing periodically updated content. पत्र सूचना कार्यालय ( PIB ) भारत सरकार, सूचकांक संख्या :- 7917 Thanks From Team Khabar Junction |